Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Airfix VW - new brand and crew name?

Considering my Dad worked as a model maker for Airfix and I grew up on a steady diet of Airfix kits, this name has been hanging around in my head for some time.

So the classic 1973 log is:

This is bold and iconic....and I feel maybe needs a VW logo incorporated into the red section with the banner over the top. Red, Black and white seems to have a slightly nasty Nazi colour scheme though.

This logo is the early American variation:

This seems perfect as it has the feel of the classic German Eagle, but keeps its own heritage.
Airfix seems the correct term, covering all bases "classic air cooled service, hire and club/crew"

Feed back please - Tin can has a brilliant logo. Obsessive Campervan Disorder  (OCD) has been stolen already and there are T-Shirts available for purchase at most shows.   So, fellow crew members, I need your feed back as I want to sign write a logo on the hut and get window stickers and stencils cut for sign writing on our buses and beetles!! Comments please....

1 comment:

  1. Great idea and name. I would be worried about a total rip off of the airfix logo.

    However the US logo does look much better and looks like its no longer in use.

    My feedback is go with the US logo but maybe a few changes. Maybe a VW logo in the circle in the center.

    Also using the name airfix could lead to difficulty - Maybe air-fix, air n fix, air v fix etc might be good.

    Also there are a few website issues as airfix.co.uk and airfix.com is taken. Also for a blog www.airfix.blogspot.co.uk is also taken.

    However air-fix is not.

    Great idea and re-branding!
