Monday, May 19, 2008

Apey party '08

Top weekend was had by all at Apey Campers place celebrating his boff-day, 5 type 2's and 1 type 25 gathered in or near the yard (Lucielle!) and a variety of non v-dubs were carefully shunted outside on the road! As you can see from the pic below, Apey tried to get the party started with a series of extreme reverse moon-walk moves!

The day was brightened by the arrival of OCD's good friends (and future members) Tommy and Kerry who get special appreciation for the 5 hr drive they took on from Liverpool! ...and Mr. Tinker nice one for making it too! Great to see you all!

After plenty of beers, washed down with beer... and beer, the night progressed into free style art installations, with a piece entitled "Lucielle... a cognitive, compound juxtaposition"

...and after all that creativity it was beanie hats on, whistles out for the RAVE BUS! (cram as many 'adults' into a bus as you can, whack some prodigy or similar on full volume and bounce off the inside as hard as you can!) ..c'mon!!!


  1. Nice one, sorted, banging tunes, whats yer name & were ya from & what ya on, pucka, cosha, wicked mate!!

  2. Awesome post Hempy a great do, nice one to all of those without whom none of that would have been possible..
