Monday, May 19, 2008

OCD Off roader crew !

The day after the do, a four bus convoy headed out around Sandringham for a quick drive before people headed their seperate ways. Pulled up at a pub to re-group after seeing off Gary and Lucy and following a quick log hug (crash :) by Hempy in the car park, the crew set off back to Apey's yard for an ale...

Little did we know Apey was taking "Webfoot way" ...the off-road route!! AWESOME DUDE! shame no pictures of that cos 3 type 2's bouncing around pot hole dirt tracks and screaming up dirt hillsides was indeed a sight to behold!!

1 comment:

  1. OCD could also now represent Offroad Camper Disorder!! The dust cloud we kicked up was fantastic, looking back to just see Hempys bus wipers going was great, and to then look forward again to see Apey accelerating up that hill with the ruin visible at the crest topped it off! More please.
