Tuesday, July 15, 2008

a change in direction

A happy day for Lucielle!! The sun was shining and Rumplestiltstig was busy with the tools.

Cleaned and straightened this body for offering, lots of checking, a good dose of seam sealer, and she was ready for a new inner valance.

New seam weld.........nice and clean.

new inner valance spots along top with 3 spots on chassis bracket plus two small seam welds on edge to give proper strength............an dont forget Darren all of these welds want painting with seam sealer.

Crazy mad men cutting out everything in sight!! no one seems to sell this piece........will have to make something up!!

finally able to offer up the front valance..................but ran out of time as had to collect kids from school..............but a good day generally.............other than how much filler is on your lower front panel...????? more damage that will need panel beating before the repair panel goes on!!!!

1 comment:

  1. NICE ONE BEN! That's the tidiest mig weld I've ever seen! ;)
