Sunday, August 3, 2008


too matalic or not to metalic that is the question? whether it is nobler to be two tone blue, or go with the deep red and cream as those are the colours we are talking about, the two blues would be metalic or a deep metalic red and flat cream/off white?

i am halfway to an inspection hatch, i spent 2 1/2 hours cuttin at a t25 and i am still not all the way there, going back tomorrow though with a 5 inch grinder and a gas axe!

ps. on the sound dedening issues the t25 has a thick(8mm) hard bitumen layer over the engine bay that was then painted. seems to have some sort of anti rust in it though as where its cracked and peeling there's no rust its like a new pannel. any thoughts on what it may be?


  1. Paint paint paint such a tricky question anyway then you go and make it more complex with metalics!!!! What no rat look???
    I like traditional colours as you know but metalics will look fantastic when correct:) Think i prefer the burgundy matalic and cream flat myself............mmmmmm
    Sounds very hotrod ....make sure its not too loud, unless shes a show car only (tescos carpark) no on reflection go BLUES!!!!PORSCHE colours

  2. Must admit I'm a fan of the cream over burgundy, it's one of those schemes that does look good in metallic too... but there's a few buses about already, tough choice to go with something tried or tested or something a little new and different. Whatever you pick you can be sure you see it on another bus within a few weeks!! :)
